Give an extra dimension to your visual identity with
illustration artwork
Some ideas on how to use illustration in your next project
Illustration integrated in your visual identity
You can boost your visual identity with a unique illustration style, fully interwoven in all visual expressions of your brand. With illustration, it all just gets a little bit more.. personal. People can almost feel the texture of your brand!
Illustrated icons on your website
You can also think of adding a spark of originality to your website by adding illustrated icons, or small illustrations that accompany certain sections and/or categories.
Write a (children’s) book and let me illustrate it
This would be my absolute dream job, so writers out there, contact me if you want to work together!
Illustration portfolio

Drawn Map of Yucatán, México

Chapter 1 – ‘Mama voor Altijd’

Hoofdstuk 10 Titelpagina ‘Mama voor Altijd’

Chapter 2 – ‘Mama voor Altijd’

Birth Card Illustration

Illustration for Magazine Sense

Cover Dissertation